Mike and Susie Jensen Family
"Enjoy the Little Things in Life, for one day you may Look Back and Realize they were the Big Things."
~Robert Brault

Here are some fun pictures from my cousin Alan's wedding reception in Peoria last weekend. The top picture is Aunt Connie, my brother Mike who DJ'd the dance, my Grandma Ann, Katelyn, Lauryn, me, sister Janelle, Grandpa Anderson, brother Ricky and Barbie and Holly.
Here is Grandma Ann holding Holly. Brynlyn is named after this Grandma. Her name is Anna Anderson and Brynlyn Anna. Kindred spirits...
Here is Grandma and Grandpa hanging out with Holly. This is the first time they are meeting Holly.

Top pictures: the girls fell asleep watching TV and this is how they slept. It was so cute I had to grab my camera to capture the moment.
Then, on General Conference Sunday our good friends the Pickles invited us over for yummy french toast to start the day off right. The top picture is Lauryn and Brooke and the next picture is Katelyn, Ashlyn, and Camryn. It was so much fun and great food!

These are some cute pictures of the cousins holding their new cousin Holly. Katelyn, then Lauryn, then Emilee got the chance to hold Holly for the first time. They were so excited and privileged to hold her. They were all very good at it and were very sweet and gentle with her. And she was a good sport to put up with them oogling over her.

So this is my sweetest new baby niece, Hollyn Nicole (Holly.) Her Mom Barbie is holding her (Ricky's wife). They are just loving every moment with their new baby. We have loved having her in our family so far. She's just the cutest thing!
A fun tradition we have is to do a Girls Birthday Lunch for Birthdays. We have so much fun, and laugh alot and wayyyy too loudly in a restaurant. We ate at Gecko Grill in Gilbert for this lunch. Yummmm...
Then following the lunch, I treated myself to a real day out and went to the salon for a pedicure. One of my favorite things about summer is wearing flip flops!!! And you can't wear flip flops without cute toes. So I try to go atleast once a month for a pamper and a pedicure. Aahhh...it's a good day...

I wish you could see the close up faces on these photos. They are full of a bunch of really, really tired and jetlagged people. We flew home through the night and arrived about 5:30 a.m. It was late or early or whatever...it was long and tiring. SO...we didn't have that super of an Easter Sunday, sadly. The Easter Bunny did come and so that was nice, but I was too tired to actually take any pictures of the occasion. hee hee We did some post Easter follow up so we could focus our thoughts on the meaning of Easter which is our Savior and his Atonement, which we are very grateful for. But as for this day, I think he would understand the jetlag...