Hi guys,
Our dear little friend Caden Smith has just had his 2nd surgery to repair his Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome on Friday. He and his parents have had a rough day today during this recovery process and he could use our prayers. Please add Caden and his parents, David and Melissa Smith, to your prayers. I know they would appreciate it.
You can read more about the tough little fighter Caden at:
~Robert Brault
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Caden Smith
Posted by
Susie Jensen
12:07 AM
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Mike!!!
Here is Mike opening his presents and checking out the handmade cards from the girls.

Posted by
Susie Jensen
9:30 PM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to the many, many women who are such wonderful examples to me and my family. I am grateful for you and for everything you give to me.
Posted by
Susie Jensen
6:23 AM
Friday, May 08, 2009
Abby and Brynlyn
These two little cousins are so sweet together! They are only 2 weeks apart in age and I wish we could get them together more often. They had so much fun together playing and mostly Brynlyn following Abby around. I hope they grow up to be the best of friends!
Posted by
Susie Jensen
11:37 PM
Colorado Cousins
A bunch of our Colorado cousins came to play this week, Aunt Sandy, Elli, Emma, Rachel, Hannah, and Abby. Uncle Jeff had to fly back early to go back to work. The kids are off track and had a few weeks of vacation, so they came down and played for the week. We had such a great time with them. We don't see them as often as we would like to and we miss them so much!!! Thanks for coming and seeing us guys. We have to do that again soon! Katelyn and Emma
Posted by
Susie Jensen
11:37 PM
Beautiful Brynlyn: May 12th
Beautiful Brynlyn. I snapped these pictures while she was swimming in the pool. She looked so adorable (and freezing because the water was so cold.) However, she insisted swimming because it's one of her favorite things to do.
Oh my beautiful Brynlyn. What ever would I do without you, my love???
Posted by
Susie Jensen
11:37 PM
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Company Picnic: May 2nd
On May 2nd, we attended the Rossmar and Graham Company Picnic in Scottsdale. It was so much fun. We saw alot of Mike's co-workers and friends, we ate tons of yummy food, the girls got temporary tattoos, did the hula hoop contest, they played the "Fishing Game", participated in the Three Legged Race, and rode the train, of course. We look forward to the next picnic!
Posted by
Susie Jensen
10:34 PM
Brynlyn and Jackson: April 30th
Jackson came over and played with Brynlyn today. Nothing in the world makes her happier than to have Jackson here to play. They are best buddies and we are so happy that Janelle and Eric are willing to share him with us as much as they do. We adore him and think he's just the cutest thing around!
Posted by
Susie Jensen
10:33 PM
Granda's Birthday: April 20th
On April 20th was Mike's Mom, Pat Jensen AKA Granda's birthday. We went to Olive Garden to celebrate with a yummy dinner and of course completely embarrassing restaurant servers that just love to sing Happy Birthday. It was alot fun! Happy Birthday Granda! We love you!
Posted by
Susie Jensen
10:33 PM