Mike and Susie Jensen Family
"Enjoy the Little Things in Life, for one day you may Look Back and Realize they were the Big Things."
~Robert Brault
Today was a big day for Ashlyn! She got braces today. I'm not sure if excited is the word to use, but she is grateful to have them on for her teeth's sake. =) Let's just say that Motrin is her really good friend right now. Ouch! I think she looks so cute with them on, also. And she just looks so grown up?! How did that happen?? Way to go, Ashlyn!
Doesn't she look so great?!

Mike's cousin Millie put her braces on. So fun!

Ashlyn's goofy "before" shot. =)

Ice Skating with cousin Rinsley was one of the girls' favorite things they did last weekend. Rinsley came to stay with us for a few nights and we all had so much fun having her here. She showed us how it was done on the rink, that's for sure. Rinsley is an awesome ice skater and was just skating rings around everyone on the ice. She was doing these awesome jumps, and landing them, of course. =) And she has a great spin. Thanks for showing us your home territory, Rinsley. We loved it! =)
However, I did have to laugh that the largest advertisement on the wall at the rink is for the Gilbert ER Hospital! Good to know!!!

Brian, Mitchell, Bryce, Eric, Rick, Rob, Mike
For Christmas, we surprised the guys with a day of paintballing at Westworld in Scottsdale. They spent New Years Eve Day at the indoor Westworld park. Knowing that this would be a fantastic way for the guys to flex a little muscle, expel a little testosterone and get out some of their aggressions, the girls were all for it. The guys were really excited about it and they had an awesome time.