Mike and Susie Jensen Family

"Enjoy the Little Things in Life, for one day you may Look Back and Realize they were the Big Things."
~Robert Brault

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Studio Pictures

Lauryn's baptism pictures

Madelyn is turning one soon! We call this "the many expressions of Madey"

These two are just the best of buddies!

So pretty...Brynlyn is five and growing up sooo fast! Can you believe it???

California with the Jensens

This summer went to New Port with the Jensens! It was a ball! We did so many cool things that were totally new to us! We tried the Huntington Beach Parade! It was very relaxing and fun! We also visited Holly Wood for the first time! On Sunday, we drove over to North San Diego and went to the Mormon Battalion! It was a very spiritual experience.We went to China Town and ate at a very delicious Chinese Restaurant(: It was funny to see the expressions on the girl's faces! (Journaled by Ashlyn =)