Mike and Susie Jensen Family

"Enjoy the Little Things in Life, for one day you may Look Back and Realize they were the Big Things."
~Robert Brault

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

When Jackson came to play...

Jackson came to stay over one night in November when his parents went overnight to celebrate their wedding anniversary. We always have so much fun when he's here and Brynlyn absolutely loves it. They follow each other around and play all day. They are truly buddies. In these pictures they are all clean and fresh from the tub with new jammies on and all ready for bed. They're enjoying their sippy cups before bed. The funniest thing is that Brynlyn doesn't consistently drink out of a sippy except when Jackson is around. Then all of a sudden she wants to drink (which is great!) Jackson, we need to keep you around some more so you can teach Brynlyn new fun things like eating and drinking. =)

I love his beautiful blue eyes!!!

Brynlyn "drinking" from her sippy. Hopefully by imitating it, she'll get the real thing down!

So cozy...
Life just doesn't get any better than this, does it Brynlyn!?

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