This was a great moment. MIKE set up this photo op. He decided to feed my baby a fudge bar. Yummmyyyy... So he said, "Suz, quick, grab your camera." And I snapped away taking many photos and we laughed and laughed as we watched Madelyn enjoy this yummiest treat she had ever eaten in her lifetime. The greatest part of this was that I got to go bathe my chocolate bunny and Mike volunteered to clean her chair which was uber-yuck! Aagh! I love that man! =)
I LOVE this baby! She is my total buddy and I really want to do nothing in the day except to hold her, play with her, and laugh with her. She is so squeezable and lovable and she makes my heart happy. If I am having a tough day, Mike will say to me, "Just go hold your baby and you'll feel better." ha ha And he's correct! One hug from her is all it takes to make my heart full of joy. So Madelyn has adopted a nickname. We call her Madey-Lucci, and often it's just shortened to The Lucci or just Lucci or Luccers, etc. The boys in our neighborhood call her Grandma Lucci, which is hilarious and not sure where it came from but she does answer to it.
She is 11 and 1/2 months old and it's tearing me apart to watch her grow older. Possibly because she's my baby caboose so it's physically painful to see her progress and grow towards the big world of Toddlerhood. I want her to stay little for as long as I can keep her.
My family is trying to teach The Lucci how to walk and I keep tugging on her shirt to keep her down so she won't grasp walking yet, as if this might somehow keep her young a little longer. Despite my efforts, I know she will eventually grow up and grow too big for me to hold her on my lap and in my arms. But for now, she's MY chubby, full of rolls Madey-Lucci and I am enjoying every possible moment with this perfect treasure in my life.